NaNoWriMo is in 22 days!! I can't put into words how excited and nervous I am.
For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, occurs every November. It consists of writing 50,000 words in one month (just about 1,667 words per day). NaNoWriMo is an amazing experience! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a challenging, fun, supportive writing community with amazing resources! Here are a few tips for making the month successful:
- Lock up your inner editor: NaNoWriMo has this thing about locking up your inner editor. It’s SO true. We are always our biggest critics, so this one’s a biggie. I’m guilty of this, myself. But, and I hate to say it, you will get nowhere if you don’t allow yourself to write crap first.
- Time management: Manage your time!! A lot goes on in life, and it can be hard to even get time to sleep. For me, I’m in all honors classes as well as an AP, and the workload can be extensive, so finding time to write can be very difficult. In order to win NaNoWriMo, it’s important you set aside time to write.
- Prepare: Even if you’re a complete pantser, it’s best to at least prepare a little bit. Otherwise, it’s going to be really hard to get the ball rolling when you hit arguably the most difficult part-the middle.
- Bribe yourself: It’s best to have some sort of motivation for times when it requires a little more effort to get that next chapter written. Some people
- Do what you need to do to keep writing: Whether it’s bribing yourself like above, or sitting in a certain room in the house, do what you need to do to get yourself to write. I use my m&m jar and music. I use Spotify whenever I write or do homework; it keeps me going. I’ve even found that music has become a pivotal part of my writing process- I’ve begun to designate certain songs for certain scenes in my book. Find what works for you.
- Have fun: No matter what happens, have fun! You’re writing for a reason; that you love to write. It’s going to be super frustrating at times, and you just have to remember that you’re doing this because it’s what you love to do.

First off, NaNoWriMo has a ton of awesome sponsor offers exclusively for NaNoWriMo participants. I’ve already taken advantage of the Ulysses sponsor offer, and it’s great amazing.
Fifty-thousand words is roughly the length of a short novel. It may seem like an unreachable feat, but at only 1,667 words a day, it’s quite manageable. That doesn’t even include the innumerable amount of support. NaNoWriMo isn’t just an experience, it’s a community. From NaNo prep to “what do I do now,” you have support every step of the way.
Fifty-thousand words is roughly the length of a short novel. It may seem like an unreachable feat, but at only 1,667 words a day, it’s quite manageable. That doesn’t even include the innumerable amount of support. NaNoWriMo isn’t just an experience, it’s a community. From NaNo prep to “what do I do now,” you have support every step of the way.
If you opt-in to give your zip code, there are multiple opportunities for local write-ins. I wasn’t able to attend one last year because I was always busy, but I’m hoping to make it to one this year!
Along with local events, NaNo has an immense social media presence. They have multiple accounts, including one for word sprints. They are incredible about being active and reaching out to the community.
The world needs your novel.
The world needs your novel. This is a central theme during NaNoWriMo. The world needs your novel. And your novel needs you to write it. Through transitive property (who thought we’d be using math in English?!?), the world needs you to write your novel.
If you're interested in participating in NaNoWriMo, click here.